Show of hands, who thought 100 episodes was going to be the end of it? Well ding ding, that is the sound of round two. We are resetting and going again by talking about what we learned about TTRPGs by making our very own. You may have heard of it, a little game called Afterlife: Apocalypse Fantasy Role-Playing.
Music: Pondhillow's Finest, The Burning Saviours
Encounters are the core building blocks of the TTRPG experience, and this episode is all about discussing what that means and how to use...
*Giant robot sounds* The drift is becoming destabilized, oh no! This is now a podcast about Pacific Rim! Bet it’d be a better podcast...
Resources can be an easy way to create interesting problems to solve in TTRPG games. They can also be quite annoying to keep track...