Novel mechanics don’t have to be a one time only thing, whole campaigns have been built around novel mechanics. We discuss theory about how to set up lasting mechanics to make your sessions and campaigns unique. Tone and Setting are keywords and there will be several questions on the test about them, so better take notes.
Music: Pondhillow's Finest, The Burning Saviours
An TTPRG world would be pretty lame if the players only navigated difficult environmental challenges and talked to NPCs. Where’s the danger? Enemies, that’s...
The adventure to save The Briarwood and the hamadryad sisters Lorelei and Corelei continues. Will the adventuring band, led by the poorest wood elf...
Meet us, Dane and Cosmo, the two heads of 2HGM, and join us for a tour of our very own original game system, the...