Scheduling can be a real downer sometimes, we discuss strategies to still get your TTRPG fix even when the group can’t get together. One-on-one roleplaying has its nuances, it also just hits different. We’ve done a fair bit of one-on-one, because, well, we are addicted sickos. Hopefully our experiences have lessons in them, just not sure what they are.
Music: Pondhillow's Finest, The Burning Saviours
Tabletop RPGs are collaborative stories, which can be tricky. As a GM, it is easy to get wrapped up in the story you want...
Another installment of the ‘How To’ series, but with a dope twist. Instead of breaking down a piece of media, we break down a...
Sometimes the thread of the story gets lost, and it can be hard to get it going again. This episode is all about tips...