Creating supplemental rules for your TTRPG can be a way to help simulate a unique idea or situation, and it can be fun to attach a system of rolls to something. However, if you are like us it can be easy to go off book for every little thing and before you know it character sheets are covered in sticky notes. Then GMs and Players alike have trouble remembering how the novel mechanics for that cool weapon or animal companion work
Music: Pondhillow's Finest, The Burning Saviours
*Giant robot sounds* The drift is becoming destabilized, oh no! This is now a podcast about Pacific Rim! Bet it’d be a better podcast...
Performance rolls are a big part of the TTRPG experience, and they are not just lying to a guard or tricking a dragon. Performance...
This episode is all about crunchy rolls, not the anime distributor of a similar name but the concept of unnecessary rolls in a TTRPG...