The adventure to save The Briarwood and the hamadryad sisters Lorelei and Corelei continues. Will the adventuring band, led by the poorest wood elf Anthony and the hungriest halfling Honk, overcome the evil that has come to the wood? Can the fastidious Colin learn something about the rough adventuring life from the less poor Samantha?
Music: Pondhillow's Finest, The Burning Saviours
You ever wonder what happens to the paths not traveled? TTRPGs, like a DVD boxset, have scenes that didn’t make it into the theatrical...
You might be thinking that “lore” is the same thing as “canon”, but you know our pedantic asses will prove you wrong. Now we...
The villain makes the story they say, well we say that. Villains come in all shapes and sizes, not all of them are ‘the...