Loop there it is, loop there it is! (record scratches) Welcome to a hard science episode where we talk expertly about brain chemistry. Just kidding we’re idiots, but we do talk about human’s love of watching numbers increase only to be reset to zero after reaching a certain point. (another record scratch…opps bricked it)
Music: Pondhillow's Finest, The Burning Saviours
The adventure in the old Colorado mining town continues! Enjoy this bonus episode you faithful listeners. www.2HGM.com Music: Pondhillow's Finest, The Burning Saviours
Tricks and tricks, I mean tips and ticks, alright I’m giving up. Bosses are important, we talk about how to bring the drama and...
The quest to put on the best show ever in the Forbidden lands continues! Enjoy this bonus episode you faithful listeners. https://freeleaguepublishing.com/en/games/forbidden-lands/ www.2HGM.com Music:...