Latest Episodes

2HGM 53: The Setting of Afterlife
Remember how we keep threatening to release our original setting and game system? Don’t look now because the time is nigh! Well nigh-ish, but...

2HGM Halloween Special: Fear Rises with the Tide
Happy Halloween roleplayers! This spooky season Cosmo runs Neptune’s Slime, a one shot in our RPG-Lite system: Just off the west coast of Vancouver...

2HGM 52: Handling Player Character Death
Sometimes it is ok to kill your players. I mean player characters. However much your players frustrate you, you shouldn’t kill them. But seriously,...

2HGM 51: Character Growth
A new adventurer starts out at level one, goes on an adventure and is the exact same person they were before the adventure? That...

2HGM 50: Sicko Zone
Scheduling can be a real downer sometimes, we discuss strategies to still get your TTRPG fix even when the group can’t get together. One-on-one...

2HGM 49: TNT Running a Town
If you are a Game Master and you hate running a town session, this episode is for you. If you are a player and...