Latest Episodes

2HGM 42: Campaign Preparation
Getting ready for a long campaign can seem like an impossible task. Don’t worry though, prep harder not smarter! With these patented strategies you’ll...

2HGM 41: System Preparation
There are so many TTRPG systems out there it can be hard to choose one, and we are here to help. JK! Gotcha nerd,...

2HGM 40: Weaving in Player Backstory
Player backstories are fun times, but they can go unused and that is a shame. This week on 2HGM! We discuss the usefulness of...

2HGM 39: TNT Starting and Ending
Another tips and tricks episode, this one is all about starting and ending your sessions. Hot tips about the quickest way to jump back...

2HGM 38: Novel Gameplay Mechanics 2
Novel mechanics don’t have to be a one time only thing, whole campaigns have been built around novel mechanics. We discuss theory about how...

2HGM 37: TNT One Shots in a Campaign
We are talking about One Shots again, because honestly we could never talk about them enough. One shots are not just for when your...