Latest Episodes

2HGM Bonus: Time Vein Western 2 of 10
The adventure in the old Colorado mining town continues! Enjoy this bonus episode you faithful listeners. Music: Pondhillow's Finest, The Burning Saviours

2HGM 16: Time Vein Western #1
As promised during the last episode, Enzo runs the first session of his adventure for us. The 2HGM both play in this episode. Old...

2HGM 15: First Time Game Mastering W/ Guest Star Enzo
Special guest star Enzo talks about his experience the first time he was a Game Master. We ask him the tough questions, and he...

2HGM 14: Central Conflict Tips n’ Tricks
We dig into story structure and some of our favorite types of conflicts for adventures. Take out your notepad and take some notes, these...

2HGM 13: Player Species (Reuploaded)
Whether the setting be fantasy or sci-fi, a pillar of TTRPGs is that there are different species or races to choose from. Multiple playable...

2HGM 12: Bana_naSplt Crossover
This time it’s the whole Bana_naSplt team! Welcome Brian and Grant to the show, we’ll take Grant on his very first role-playing adventure...and of...