Latest Episodes

2HGM 26: How to Run: Predator
New segment alert! The first episode in a format all about turning popular movies, books, show episodes, etc., into One Shots. Ever seen Predator?...

2HGM 25: Party Synergy
Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say. Being part of a kickass adventuring band can take some effort. Your teammates might be friends...

2HGM 24: Bothering with Backstory
Characters come from many different backgrounds and places, and it is fun to write those things down. We make our case about why bother...

2HGM 23: Metagaming
Are you being meta right now? Does that question make sense? Is that too many questions? We are pretty sure no one reads these...

2HGM 22: TNT Player Loot
Loot, loot, the magical fruit, the more we loot...the more dopamine courses through our systems and the higher we get! Almost every game has...

2HGM 21: Magic
Most RPGs have some sort of magic system. If they don’t it’s probably because it’s a sci-fi or real-world RPG, but it still probably...