Latest Episodes

2HGM 20: Encounters
Encounters are the core building blocks of the TTRPG experience, and this episode is all about discussing what that means and how to use...

2HGM 19: Last of Us Part 2 W/ Guest Star Nico
Our old friend Nico joins us to discuss how The Last of Us Part 2 tells its story. Spoiler alert, we talk all about...

2HGM Bonus: Time Vein Western 10 of 10
The thrilling conclusion of the adventure through the Spade and Douglas Mine. Enjoy this bonus episode and the debrief after you faithful listeners!

2HGM Bonus: Time Vein Western 9 of 10
The adventure in the old Colorado mining town continues! Enjoy this bonus episode you faithful listeners. Music: Pondhillow's Finest, The Burning Saviours

2HGM 18: Handouts
What gets players fired up for some good role-playing? Well we don’t know, but maybe handouts will work? This episode is all about using...

2HGM Bonus: Time Vein Western 8 of 10
The adventure in the old Colorado mining town continues! Enjoy this bonus episode you faithful listeners. Music: Pondhillow's Finest, The Burning Saviours